The Blue Ox Music Festival in Eau Claire, Wisconsin was founded in 2015 with the vision of an intimate Bluegrass and Americana music experience. Both the festival and campgrounds are family owned and operated by a team with over 30 years of music festival experience. It is our goal to provide a fan-centric festival experience that is welcoming and approachable for people of all ages. Blue Ox features over 35 artists spread across 3 days on three stages and on-site camping.
Our festival is located just a few miles from multiple Eau Claire hotels, some of which are also on our shuttle schedule.
View nearby Hotels HERE. If you would prefer to camp, please click here to view our campsite options.
Exact Shuttle Schedule Times for Blue Ox 2025 TBA
Right Way Shuttle Service (715) 210-6791
We are located at 5024 Crescent Ave, Eau Claire, WI 54703
Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Office issues all traffic restrictions and re-routing policies for the festival. You may be re-routed once you get to Crescent Ave. Please follow these signs. For up-to-the-minute traffic information and more, please visit the Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Office website. More details on arrival will be emailed to ticket holders leading up the festival.
*NO overnight parking or lining up for the campground. If you arrive early, you can park in our off-site lot at 3443 Crescent Ave until the gates open.
Parking: Free daily parking in the Fields is included with your admission ticket. If you are planning on staying off-site, please use the Fields Gate for check-in and parking.
Lyft/Uber: Ride share services such as Uber and Lyft are available in the Eau Claire area. Our pick-up and drop-off location is at the Fields Gate.
Shuttler Service: Available from select Eau Claire hotels. Schedule information AND pricing can be found on the Blue Ox Website HERE. Shuttle will drop you off and pick you up on-site at The Pines Gate.
Yes, service animals are allowed with proper identification and must remain with its owner (restrained) at all times. Pets of ANY kind are NOT ALLOWED anywhere in the festival, including the campground. ADA Service Animal Guidelines can be read HERE
All Blue Ox campsites are considered to be ADA accessible. We do have a number of both reserved (for purchase), and unreserved campsites (included with GA Ticket) available which are close to festival bowl entrances. Please call our office if you would like a reserved campsite in this area. If you are planning on camping in the unreserved ADA section please notify festival staff to be directed to an acceptable campsite. The campgrounds are considered primitive and different areas of the grounds include hills and other unstable ground. Traversing the campgrounds may be challenging in certain areas.
While our entire concert bowl is considered ADA accessible, we do not have an area specifically set aside for seating. There is no seating at this festival. You can bring a chair into the festival bowl and place it in the chair friendly area. The bowl area grading allows easy sight lines to main and side stages from all seating areas.
If you are arriving on Friday or Saturday and plan to camp in unreserved tent camping then you MUST have a car camping pass to drive back to your campsite. If you do not have a car pass then you will have to park in our Fields lot and cart/walk your belongings to your campsite. Late arrivals may be directed to prairie unreserved camping once the available pines unreserved camping areas fill up.
If you plan to camp in unreserved tent camping and DO NOT have a car camping pass then you can drop off your belongings until 8:00 PM Thursday and then must move your car to Perimeter Parking or Fields Parking lot after unloading. Individuals parked in permit parking areas are encouraged to leave their vehicles for the duration of their stay as getting back to these spots may be difficult later in the weekend. After 8:00 PM Thursday, those who do NOT possess a car camping pass will go to the Fields Parking area and will need to cart or walk their belongings to their campsite.
Yes. We have a permanent shower building on-site. Showers are free to all campers.
The following are ALLOWED in the campgrounds: Food and drink (including alcohol), portable camping grill, wagons, campfires but must be contained and attended at all times. The following are NOT ALLOWED in the campground: NO pets (even small ones), NO glass containers, NO fireworks, Tikki torches, weapons, kegs or drones. NO golf carts, boats, power scooters or dirt bikes. NO illegal substances. NO vending (sharing, yes. Selling, No)
Those with a Saturday 1-day ticket can camp Saturday night into Sunday. Campground check-in on Saturday* is from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. *You will not be able to drive your car to your unreserved campsite to drop off your camping gear when you arrive on Saturday; even with a car camping pass. Please do NOT purchase a car camping pass with your Saturday ticket. You must park your car in the free overflow parking area located in the Fields and walk your camping gear to your campsite. Packing a wagon will make this process easier. Arriving on Saturday means you will most likely have to camp in Prairie Unreserved. All tent campers will be able to drive back to your campsite on Sunday to pack up.
You are allowed to drop off your belongings at your campsite in General Unreserved Camping until 7:00PM on Thursday of the festival. After this time, people who DO NOT possess a Car Camping Pass will be directed to overflow fields parking and will have to cart/walk their belongings to their campsite. Those arriving on Saturday, will NOT be able to drive their car to their campsite to drop off camping gear; even with a car camping pass. A car camping pass does not give you in and out privileges, however if you need to leave the grounds you may do so. Upon your return you may drive back to where you were parked in General Unreserved Camping. NO vehicle traffic allowed after 8:00PM in The Pines Camping Area (Unreserved GA/Family, Family Reserved, Pines Reserved and Electric Reserved). All tent campers will be able to drive back to your campsite on Sunday to pack up.
Yes, but you will need to purchase a car camping pass. People who do not possess a Car Camping Pass will be directed to overflow fields parking and will have to cart/walk their belongings to their campsite. Please do NOT purchase a car camping pass with your Saturday ticket. Saturday arrivals must park your car in the free overflow parking area located in the Fields and walk your camping gear to your campsite. Packing a wagon will make this process easier. A car camping pass does not give you in and out privileges, however if you need to leave the grounds you may do so. Upon your return you may drive back to where you were parked in General Unreserved Camping. NO vehicle traffic allowed after 8:00PM in The Pines Camping Area (Unreserved GA/Family, Family Reserved, Pines Reserved and Electric Reserved).
*You must have an admission ticket that matches the day of your arrival to access the campground* Campground check-in times start Thursday at 7:00 a.m. to Midnight (for 3-day pass holders), Friday 9:00 a.m. to Midnight (for 2-day pass holders) and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (for 1-day Saturday pass holders). Free early move-in on Wednesday afternoon will be available to those with a Reserved Campsite (for up to 6 people), Pre-set Tent site (for up to 2 people) or Tiny Cabin (for up to 2 people), excludes car camping, as long as each person staying at your site has a 3-day admission pass and everyone must arrive together with the reserved site ticket holder. Those camping in a tent or car camping in an unreserved area can add on a Wednesday night camping pass (per person) to access the grounds Wednesday afternoon/early evening. Wednesday Night camping passes will be available for purchase closer to the festival. If you are arriving on Saturday, you will not be able to drive your car to your campsite to drop off your camping gear. You must park your car in the free overflow parking area located in the Fields and walk your camping gear to your campsite. All tent campers will be able to drive back to your campsite on Sunday to pack up.
Yes! If you plan to bring an RV, pull behind/trailer, or pop-up/tear-drop camper you will need to purchase a RESERVED site. You will need to have a reserved campsite pass to gain access to the grounds. For safety reasons, your RV will need to stay in the campground for the duration of the festival. Please make sure you purchase a site that can accommodate your camping units and vehicles, Blue Ox offers sites of various sizes with the largest reserved sites located in the Prairie Reserved Camping area.
Yes, but if you plan to use your vehicle as a sleeping unit, you will need to purchase a car camping pass in addition to your festival admission pass. There is only a limited number car camping passes available. For the safety of yourself and other patrons, we can not have traffic in the campgrounds. Your car must remained parked at your site at all times.
Yes. We will have an area set aside specifically for family camping. The 12AM curfew will be strictly enforced in this area. If you wish to camp in the family camping area, simply follow the signs upon your arrival. Make sure you get there early to ensure a site in this area, sites are limited! There is also a non-family quiet camping area in the general unreserved section. If you are not staying with young children we encourage you to explore this option, since space in the family camping area fills up quickly.
A car camping pass/reserved campsite does not give you in and out privileges, however if you need to leave the grounds you may do so. Upon your return you may drive back to where you were parked in General Unreserved Camping or back to your reserved campsite. NO vehicle traffic allowed after 8:00PM in The Pines Camping Area (Unreserved GA/Family, Family Reserved, Pines Reserved and Electric Reserved). If you do not have a reserved campsite or car camping pass then you will be directed to park in the Fields Overflow lot.
We’re sorry, but for the safety of your pet and other festival attendees, pets are not allowed. Qualified service animals are allowed.
All fires must be contained within a metal or stone fire ring, limited quantities are spread throughout the campgrounds. If you want to be guaranteed a fire ring you should bring your own. Local burning restrictions will be enforced during the festival. Restrictions can change daily and will be enforced. All wood must be purchased either on-site OR from a Wisconsin Certified DATCP, such as a Gas Station or Grocery Store within 25 miles of our venue to reduce the spread of insect pests and disease. *Please DO NOT bring your own wood scraps/wood from home.
The Beer Tent and Blue Ox lodge accepts both cash and credit/Debit card. There will be an ATM on site if you need this. Most Food and hardgood vendors (including Blue Ox official merch) accept card, some are cash only.
All items carried into the festival gates are subject to search by Blue Ox Security. All items must be removed from the bowl at the end of the day. The following items are NOT ALLOWED! NO carry-in food or beverage, including alcohol (factory sealed water bottles are ok). NO PETS ALLOWED (even small ones). NO large EZ-UP/pop-up tents over 4ft tall (small shade structures are ok but must be set up at the rear of the bowl and removed at the end of the day). NO glass containers, NO fireworks, Tiki torches, weapons, kegs or drones. NO golf carts, boats, power scooters or dirt bikes. NO illegal substances.
All items carried into the festival gates are subject to search by Blue Ox Security. All items must be removed from the bowl at the end of the day. Blue Ox is not liable for any items left and they will be removed by staff. The following items are ALLOWED! Factory sealed water bottles, Empty hydration packs, Empty refillable water bottles. Backpacks, purses, fanny packs. Chairs, but must be set up in designated area behind the sound tent and removed at the end of the day. Small shade structures under 4ft tall allowed along the rear perimeter but must be removed at the end of the day. Blankets, wagons and kids strollers allowed.
Smoking is discouraged within the festival bowl. Please be mindful of other guests and kindly step outside of the gated area to smoke.
The festival/concert bowl gate hours are Thursday 3:30 pm, Friday 10:00 am and Saturday 10:00 am. The Campground entrance gate hours are: Thursday 7:00AM - midnight, Friday 9:00AM - midnight, Saturday 10:00AM - 11:00PM *Wednesday Night Camping Pass hours will be announced at a later date. (additional pass required for those camping in unreserved areas who want to access the campgrounds on Wednesday afternoon/night)
Chairs will not be provided for you. If you would like to sit, you may bring a lawn chair for general admission seating, but it is not required. You may also bring a blanket to sit on the ground, or stand. Small shade tents under 4 feet in height are allowed in the rear of the viewing area, please NO large popup tents/EZ-Ups.
The Beer Tent and Blue Ox lodge accepts both cash and credit/Debit card. There will be an ATM on site if you need this. Most Food and hardgood vendors (including Blue Ox official merch) accept card, some are cash only.
Blue Ox food and beverage vendors change year to year and will be announced (and posted in the News section) closer to the festival dates.
The Set times will be available closer to the festival dates.
Smoking is discouraged within the festival bowl. Please be mindful of other guests and kindly step outside of the gated area to smoke.
Blue Ox is an outdoor music festival. The event is rain or shine; you may want to bring a jacket or sunscreen, appropriate shoes, and bug spray. You can bring in an empty container to be filled with water inside the gates. All items carried into the festival gates will be subject to search by Blue Ox Security. No food or beverage carry-ins are allowed in the concert bowl. NO PETS ARE ALLOWED. Chairs are allowed in the concert area in designated areas behind the sound tent but must be removed at the end of the day. Large pop-up/E-Z up Tents are NOT allowed in the concert bowl area. Small shade structures under 4ft tall are allowed along the rear perimeter but must be removed at the end of day.
The festival/concert bowl gate hours are Thursday 3:30 pm, Friday 10:00 am and Saturday 10:00 am. The Campground entrance gate hours are: Thursday 7:00AM - midnight, Friday 9:00AM - midnight, Saturday 10:00AM - 11:00PM *Wednesday Night Camping Pass hours will be announced at a later date. (additional pass required for those camping in unreserved areas who want to access the campgrounds on Wednesday afternoon/night)
3-day ticket holders can arrive starting Thursday at 7:00am. 2-day ticket holders can arrive starting Friday at 9:00am. 1-day Saturday ticket holders can arrive starting Saturday at 10:00am. *All reserved campsite passes include free Wednesday Night Camping for up to 4 people per site. All attendees arriving on Wednesday, June 21st (12-9pm) must have a 3-day admission pass and must all arrive together. Late arrivals will NOT be allowed in if you arrive after check-in closes at 9:00pm. *Unreserved tent campers and car camping attendees can purchase a Wednesday Night Camping pass if they want to move in on Wednesday June 21st (3-9pm). Must also possess a 3-day pass to camp on Wednesday night. Late arrivals will NOT be allowed in if you arrive after check-in closes at 9:00pm.
There are child friendly activities at the Family Stage during the day that include crafts and entertainment. There is also an open area for other yard games. Children 13 and under are admitted free to the festival.
The Blue Ox Music Festival takes place at the Pines Music Park (owned by Blue Ox), located at 5024 Crescent Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54703. Get driving directions to the Blue Ox festival grounds. There are local shuttles available from Eau Claire to the festival grounds if you are not staying in the campgrounds.
Our lineup typically does not come out until December - January each year. Join our email list and follow us on social media for updates!
All General Admission passes are for 1 person only, tampering with or sharing wristbands is not permitted. You will redeem your ticket at the gates and receive a wristband that you will need to keep on for the entire festival. Lost or broken wristbands will not be replaced. Single day tickets for Saturday are available for purchase for those wishing to come on Saturday only.
Campground gates open at 7AM on Thursday, 9AM on Friday and 10AM on Saturday. The Festival Bowl is open throughout the weekend once campground gates open on Thursday. The Festival Bowl closes nightly at 1AM which is also when all personal items MUST be removed from the bowl. Gate times subject to change.
Yes, you may take pictures during the event.
We’re sorry, but for the safety of your pet and other festival attendees, pets are not allowed. Qualified service animals are allowed.
Chairs will not be provided for you. If you would like to sit, you may bring a lawn chair for general admission seating, but it is not required. You may also bring a blanket to sit on the ground, or stand. Small shade tents under 4 feet in height are allowed in the rear of the viewing area, please NO large popup tents/EZ-Ups.
Good news! Children 13 and under are free with a paid adult. Anyone over 13 years of age will be required to pay full-price.
Parking is complimentary for all ticket holders in the parking area adjacent to Whispering Pines campground.
Plenty of hotels are within 5 miles of the Blue Ox Festival. The Hampton Inn of Eau Claire is the preferred hotel partner of the Blue Ox Music Festival. View our Hotel Partners HERE. Check out the Shuttle Schedule to see other hotels that are serviced by shuttle.
Yes, for an additional fee. Cesspool Cleaners will be on-site providing pumping and water fills for RVs. $50 per fill / dump (cash only). Available Wednesday - Saturday from 10am-4pm. The Eau Claire Wastewater Treatment Plant (located down the road from us at 1000 Ferry St Eau Claire, WI) offers free RV waste disposal. They are open 7 days a week from 7AM -2:30 PM. *Only Non Potable water available. NOT for drinking, washing or cooking purposes.
Yes, tents are allowed. The main requirement is that you stay within the bounds of your Reserved Campsite.
No, all non-electric and electric campsites are an add-on item. If you purchase a reserved campsite, you will also need to purchase a General Admission ticket to enter the campground/festival ground. Anyone accessing the campground needs their own admission ticket (kids 13 and under are free).
Yes, for an additional fee. Cesspool Cleaners will be providing on-site pumping and water fills for RVs for $50 per fill/dump (cash only). Available Wednesday - Saturday 10am-4pm. Where to fill nearby: The Chippewa Falls City Sewage Plant (1125 W River St. Chippewa Falls, WI) has free potable and non potable water. Thank you
Yes! If you plan to bring an RV, pull behind/trailer, or pop-up/tear-drop camper you will need to purchase a RESERVED site. You will need to have a reserved campsite pass to gain access to the grounds. For safety reasons, your RV will need to stay in the campground for the duration of the festival. Please make sure you purchase a site that can accommodate your camping units and vehicles, Blue Ox offers sites of various sizes with the largest reserved sites located in the Prairie Reserved Camping area.
As long as everyone has a ticket to the event, and you are not encroaching on your neighbor's space you can use your entire campsite to accommodate your group.
ONLY ACCEPT TICKETS THAT HAVE BEEN OFFICIALLY TRANSFERRED THROUGH THE BLUE OX TICKETING PARTNER AFTON TICKETS! This is the only way to ensure that you have a real ticket. Instructions on how to properly transfer tickets can be found HERE! When using the transfer process, tickets will be moved from the seller’s Blue Ox/Afton Ticket account to the buyer’s Blue Ox/Afton Ticket account. *Use only purchase protected payment methods such as PayPal and make sure you send payment for goods or services, so purchase protection is in effect.
If the event is not sold out then 3-day & 2-day (Friday + Saturday) tickets will be available for purchase at the gate. *Only cards will be accepted for ticket purchases. No cash. *Please use the Fields Gate to make your ticket purchase.
No, we accept both printed and digital tickets at the gate. If you choose digital, please try to download your ticket to your phone prior to your arrival so that it's ready for us to scan. Once we scan your ticket barcode/QR code then you will receive a wristband which must be worn the entire weekend. To locate your ticket(s) please login to your Afton Tickets Account HERE
You can access your order by logging into your Afton Tickets account HERE. Make sure to check all of your email accounts, including spam and promotional folders. If you created an account with your email and forgot your password, RESET PASSWORD HERE. If you used Guest Checkout, you can use our forgot password feature to reset your password so you can login and retrieve your tickets. HERE'S HOW! We can also look up your order at our will-call ticket booth located at the Fields Gate.
Yes. Simply stop at the ticket booth at the Fields Gate on the day you would like to access the festival and you will just have to pay the difference between your current ticket and the multi-day pass you would like to upgrade to. *Upgrade from a single day Saturday to a 2-day (Friday + Saturday) or a 3-day pass. *Upgrade from a 2-day (Friday + Saturday) to a 3-day pass.
Those with a Saturday 1-day ticket can camp Saturday night into Sunday. Campground check-in on Saturday* is from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. *You will not be able to drive your car to your unreserved campsite to drop off your camping gear when you arrive on Saturday; even with a car camping pass. Please do NOT purchase a car camping pass with your Saturday ticket. You must park your car in the free overflow parking area located in the Fields and walk your camping gear to your campsite. Packing a wagon will make this process easier. Arriving on Saturday means you will most likely have to camp in Prairie Unreserved. All tent campers will be able to drive back to your campsite on Sunday to pack up.
The only way to know that you are getting a genuine ticket is to purchase online from the Blue Ox Music Festival or through one of our ticket outlets. Make sure you keep your ticket in a safe place as you would cash, and protect it just like you would any other ticket! If any copies are made of the ticket, only the first scan of the barcode will be allowed entry. If more than one copy were to arrive, the barcode scanner will alert the attendant that the ticket has already been scanned.
If you lose your ticket, we are able to redeem it through our system at the gates. If the ticket was won in a contest, promotion, or given to you for free, we will not be able to look it up and redeem it and you will need to purchase a new ticket. Lost wristbands will not be replaced under any circumstances, you will need to purchase another ticket.
If you have not received your tickets via e-mail, check your junk email for an email from festivalticketing. You can also contact Blue Ox at 715-839-7500. Please explain what happened and we will help you with your order.
Yes. You can split your entire order into interest free payments using PayPal PayLater. View directions here
Blue Ox is rain or shine. All sales are final. No refunds or rollovers. Event dates, entertainment and times subject to change without notice. No pets allowed.
Yes, ticket prices increase a couple different times each year after the initial on-sale date. Each price level is available in limited quantities. Once the price level is sold out, tickets will continue to be sold at the next price level, while supplies last.
If you are arriving on Friday or Saturday and plan to camp in unreserved tent camping then you MUST have a car camping pass to drive back to your campsite. If you do not have a car pass then you will have to park in our Fields lot and cart/walk your belongings to your campsite. Late arrivals may be directed to prairie unreserved camping once the available pines unreserved camping areas fill up.
If you plan to camp in unreserved tent camping and DO NOT have a car camping pass then you can drop off your belongings until 8:00 PM Thursday and then must move your car to Perimeter Parking or Fields Parking lot after unloading. Individuals parked in permit parking areas are encouraged to leave their vehicles for the duration of their stay as getting back to these spots may be difficult later in the weekend. After 8:00 PM Thursday, those who do NOT possess a car camping pass will go to the Fields Parking area and will need to cart or walk their belongings to their campsite.
Those with a Saturday 1-day ticket can camp Saturday night into Sunday. Campground check-in on Saturday* is from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. *You will not be able to drive your car to your unreserved campsite to drop off your camping gear when you arrive on Saturday; even with a car camping pass. Please do NOT purchase a car camping pass with your Saturday ticket. You must park your car in the free overflow parking area located in the Fields and walk your camping gear to your campsite. Packing a wagon will make this process easier. Arriving on Saturday means you will most likely have to camp in Prairie Unreserved. All tent campers will be able to drive back to your campsite on Sunday to pack up.
Please visit our VENDOR PAGE HERE for information about being a hardgood or food vendor at Blue Ox.