2024 Post Festival Survey
Cheers to a Decade!
It’s hard to believe that a Pert Near Sandstone & Travelin’ McCourys show out in Colorado helped put our small, family run Wisconsin festival into motion.
And here we are now, 10 years later. We wouldn’t still be here without your support.
You’re the reason why our crew and volunteers work so hard to deliver the best possible festival experience we can and seeing all your smiles throughout the weekend makes everything so rewarding.
We hope to see you all for many years to come!
<Post Festival Survey is CLOSED>
As a valued member of the Blue Ox community, we want to know what you think. The following survey will help us to better understand your opinions about Blue Ox 2024 and will in-turn help us better your Blue Ox Festival experience for years to come.
As a thank you for your time, you’ll be entered for a chance to win (2) 3-Day GA passes to Blue Ox 2025 after you complete the survey. Congrats Kayla Zoltak the winner of 2 3-day GA tickets to Blue Ox 2025!
*Please note that the survey must be completed by Thursday, July 18th to be eligible for a chance to win tickets to Blue Ox 2025.
*Watch for our artist feedback survey in the coming weeks!